Narrow escapes - woman falls on train tracks  

Posted by Lindsey

The latest video doing the rounds today is this spine-chiller of a drunk woman in Boston who stumbled on the train tracks seconds before the train arrived:

It's works well as a viral video because it's terrifying, heartwarming at the end, and also raises a lot of questions which encourages people to share and discuss it.

1) Why did she fall on the tracks? (in other videos you can see her stumbling around in a very drunken fashion for a few seconds first)
2) Why didn't anyone help her when she was so dangerously close to the edge at the start?
3) How the hell did the train driver manage to see her and stop in time?
4) What happens afterwards? Is she in trouble? Is she an alcoholic?

The 'near miss' video genre is a popular one, but just puts me too much on edge to watch much of:

That's quite enough of that!


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