Greenpeace video: Nestle Killer  

Posted by Lindsey in

This video is pretty terrifying, and I don't know what to think from a video advertising point of view (apart from the fact that this is going to go viral very quickly).

Nestle claimed copyright infringement to get it taken off YouTube which is why it's on Vimeo:

Read more about the campaign here: Greenpeace

Read about Nestle's reaction to the campaign here: Techeye.

Seasonal viral videos - the gifts that keep on giving  

Posted by Lindsey in

Today's number 2 in the Viral Video Chart is another familiar face - Leprechaun in Mobile, Alaska.

It's an oldie (2006) but a goodie - lots of hilarity in the Unruly office just now. The resurfacing of this video once again just shows how good viral content can outlive the duration of a campaign. Make a St Patrick's Day video and it will get a free viral boost every single year as it suddenly becomes super-relevant again.

I'm looking forward to the April Fools' Day spoof videos I have no doubt will be appearing in the chart very soon!

Smart seeding strategy - Eclipse  

Posted by Lindsey in , ,

OfficialTwilightFilm sent out a 10 second teaser trailer yesterday which made it to the top of the ViralVideoChart within hours. It's racked up 2.7 million views already.

Today they've released a 1:30 version:

What's smart about this is that they only made us wait 24 hours to reveal this. Good. People do not like to be kept waiting. Attention spans are short.

I hear we'll be treated to a 7 minute trailer on the 20th of March.

Town of Sandwich invaded by crisps!  

Posted by Lindsey

Recipe for crisp sandwich:


Cheese (grated)
crisps (NOT salt and vinegar flavour, yuck.)


Make a sandwich. Put crisps in it. Now here's the important part: squash the sandwich so crisps crumble.

Serving suggestion: eat with soup.

Embrace Life - Best Viral Video 2010  

Posted by Lindsey in

Today's new entry in at number 9 on the Viral Video Chart is 'Embrace Life.' It's a 1:30 advert with no script, no cats, no fights, no singing hamsters... but has somehow managed to get 2.7 million views, 1,293 blog posts and 246 Tweets.

The music is simple and perfect, which combined with the expressions on the actors' faces gave me shivers within 5 seconds of watching. I URGENTLY wanted to find out what the video was about, it kept me watching right to the end of the minute and a half, at which point the sponsor was revealed.

Embrace Life
Uploaded by bigumigu. - Classic TV and last night's shows, online.

Just watched it a second time, and again I had the shivers. This video more than passes the physical reaction test (if it makes you jump, laugh, cry or shiver then it will go viral) and I predict it will be a in our chart for a good long while. I've just shared it with Facebook, my company and Twitter.

You can find more information about the making of this video here.